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MCMLVI: Roma 1956 (2019)

HD PAL 51’ | @ 2019 Italy

Documentary Film



Coproduction with LAMBDA SRL


It's dawn when Rome wakes up towards the new day.

An autumn dawn, the radio, disturbing news, from Budapest.

People in revolt against a foreign oppressor.

Rome meditates and reacts. Pius XII condemned and ignited the reaction of solidarity, civil society welcomed. Politics took sides, one side withdrew, another mystified, but certainly, with the statue of Stalin, shot down in 1956 in Budapest, an entire ideology collapsed in Rome.

That news from Budapest served the world with freedom, the same freedom to which the refugees who had arrived in the eternal capital aspired. 
Rome has been able to welcome them, as children, because Rome does not adopt, it is not stepmother, but always and only Mother. For all people.

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